Elections Logo
City of Leander Runoff Election
Saturday, June 16, 2018
Final Official Election Results
Red Bar
Registered Voters - Total: 25,602
Ballots Cast - Total: 2,551  Vote Breakdown
Ballots Cast - Blank: 1
Voter Turnout: 9.96 %
Reporting: 2 of 2 Polling Locations
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Filter by Precinct:
Vic Villarreal
38.09 %971Vote Breakdown
Troy Hill
61.91 %1,578Vote Breakdown

Over Votes: 0     Under Votes: 2     Total Votes: 2,549     Vote For: 1
Data Last Updated: 7/27/2021 11:34:34 AM
Page Loaded on: 7/26/2024 9:57:22 PM