Notice of Trustee Sales

The Trustee Sales are held the first Tuesday of every month from 10:00 AM to 4:00 PM at the Northeast side of the Justice Center Annex at 405 Martin Luther King, Georgetown, Texas, 78626.  The County Clerk's office has nothing to do with the sale itself.  We only post the notice of sales and then after a sale is done the Trustee's Deed is recorded with us.
The first file labeled "File_Idx" is the alphabetical index of the Notice of Trustee Sales filed.

File NameFile SizeCreation Date
File_IDX 98 Kb 04/17/2024
File_001 172 Kb 04/18/2024
File_002 185 Kb 04/18/2024
File_003 631 Kb 04/18/2024
File_004 1.07 Mb 04/18/2024
File_005 333 Kb 04/18/2024
File_006 187 Kb 04/18/2024
File_007 354 Kb 04/18/2024
File_008 340 Kb 04/18/2024
File_009 186 Kb 04/18/2024
File_010 256 Kb 04/18/2024
File_011 184 Kb 04/18/2024
File_012 334 Kb 04/18/2024
File_013 258 Kb 04/18/2024
File_014 299 Kb 04/18/2024
File_015 237 Kb 04/18/2024
File_016 281 Kb 04/18/2024
File_017 234 Kb 04/18/2024
File_018 227 Kb 04/18/2024
File_019 262 Kb 04/18/2024
File_020 186 Kb 04/18/2024
File_001 239 Kb 04/25/2024
File_002 197 Kb 04/25/2024
File_003 323 Kb 04/25/2024
File_004 303 Kb 04/25/2024
File_005 323 Kb 04/25/2024
File_006 161 Kb 04/25/2024
File_007 180 Kb 04/25/2024
File_008 338 Kb 04/25/2024
File_009 609 Kb 04/25/2024
File_010 684 Kb 04/25/2024
File_011 263 Kb 04/25/2024
File_012 296 Kb 04/25/2024
File_013 305 Kb 04/25/2024
File_001 1.21 Mb 05/02/2024
File_002 847 Kb 05/02/2024
File_003 1.48 Mb 05/02/2024
File_004 1.21 Mb 05/02/2024
File_005 985 Kb 05/02/2024
File_006 917 Kb 05/02/2024
File_007 1.11 Mb 05/02/2024
File_008 1.26 Mb 05/02/2024
File_001 351 Kb 05/10/2024
File_002 951 Kb 05/10/2024
File_003 4.76 Mb 05/10/2024
File_004 1016 Kb 05/10/2024
File_005 1.81 Mb 05/10/2024
File_006 973 Kb 05/10/2024
File_007 1.16 Mb 05/10/2024
File_008 1.1 Mb 05/10/2024
File_009 1.06 Mb 05/10/2024
File_001 385 Kb 05/13/2024
File_002 318 Kb 05/13/2024
File_003 360 Kb 05/13/2024
File_004 199 Kb 05/13/2024
File_005 368 Kb 05/13/2024
File_001 253 Kb 05/14/2024
File_002 260 Kb 05/14/2024
File_003 284 Kb 05/14/2024
File_004 336 Kb 05/14/2024
File_005 272 Kb 05/14/2024
File_006 154 Kb 05/14/2024
File_007 166 Kb 05/14/2024
File_008 154 Kb 05/14/2024
File_009 153 Kb 05/14/2024

Please note: The data depicted in the above table is the most current data available. It is read each time this page is called. If you believe that this information is in error, please contact the Webmaster.